How much does your program cost?
All of our programs and services are free. We do not bill Medicaid or take co-pays.
Can I see a therapist or a counselor at The PIER?
We are a peer-operated facility. We do not have clinicians on site. However, we have partnered with Mental Health America which provides free, pro bono counseling. More Information: www.mhankyswoh.org
Does your program have sober living or transitional housing?
We do not offer sober living at this time. We do partner with most of the sober living organizations in Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati. We can help find the right sober living for you as an active participant.
Are you open on nights and weekends?
We are open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Tuesday and Thursday we are open 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. We may be open later or on the weekends due to recovery-related events at the center.
Do I have to enroll/register for the online support groups?
You do not have to enroll for our online peer support groups. If you are mandated by the courts to attend groups such as anger management or parenting, we will have to complete an enrollment:
How do I get signed up for one-to-one peer support?
You would call our center Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm at 859.547.6539 to speak with our intake specialist.
Does the PIER offer financial assistance such as rent and/or utilities?
Unfortunately at this time, we do not assist with financial assistance such as rent, monthly bus passes, utilities, etc. We do however connect with other agencies who may be able to help.
Are you a MAT (Medication Assistant Treatment) provider?
We do provide treatment of any kind a the recovery community center. If you need access to MAT services, please call our center for a list of MAT providers in the area.
How long does it take to complete a class or support group?
You will receive a letter of completion once 12 classes/groups in a row have been completed.
Do you do mental health assessments?
At this time we do not offer mental health or substance use assessments. During our enrollment we do however conduct a self assessment which is guided by the peer or facilitator. You will need to seek out a licensed mental health counselor or social worker for an assessment.
How do you complete anger management or parenting?
You would first need to call the center and schedule an enrollment with a staff member. Once you have completed the enrollment, we will give you a print out of instructions for the courses. Anger Management and Parenting are both a 12 week curriculum course. Both courses take 12 weeks to complete. Class one starts on the Monday or Tuesday after enrollment. Both courses are available virtually at the moment.
Can you help with food and clothing?
We work with a lot of organizations in the area who help with food and clothing. We are more than happy to share those resources with you. Please call us at the center.
Need additional assistance? | We Can Help | 859.547.6539