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image of several PIER employees smiling in front of the front entrance

Our mission is to light the way toward recovery for those with substance use and mental health disorders through education, advocacy and the gift of hope.

image of text saying addiction ends here recovery starts here

We are #RecoveryCenterStrong


Recovery is a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.​

The PIER Recovery Community Center is located in beautiful downtown Newport, Kentucky. Just a few minutes from downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, we attract people in recovery from both sides of the river. The center has been around since 2012, providing hope, education, and support for those living with a substance use disorder. The PIER is a community-based, peer-operated, non-clinical setting that is safe, welcoming and alcohol/substance-free for any member of the community. The center promotes long-term recovery.  We work with all sorts of folks. Substance use disorder and mental illness can affect anyone. Addiction has no boundaries. It crosses every age, gender, race, and income. We provide services to men, women, and non-binary people ages 18 and over.  People at every economic level seek out our programs and services. Our program also serves as a one-stop shop for people in recovery. You can find services and resources for employment, re-entry, wrap-around services, LGBTQ+, housing, etc. Many people find support and encouragement through our support groups. We currently offer over 12 weekly online support groups for those living with substance use disorders.

The Recovery Center is a peer-run program, operating all its programs and services with Certified Peer Support Specialists on staff. They are people in recovery working with people in recovery. All of their support specialists have completed the 40-hour training through Mental Health America to become certified as peer support specialists. Certified peers don't just help individuals navigate the challenges to finding recovery, but they also focus on recovery management and life skills such as helping people repair and rebuild their life from health to finances, to relationships to spirituality.

Get Help | Peer To Peer

Individualized Peer Support

Online & Virtual Support Groups

Employment Readiness Services

Housing Services

Re-Entry Services (Jails & Institutions)

LGBTQ+ Services

Peer Coaching & Training

Questions | 859.547.6539

What We Do

Frequently Asked Questions



The PIER Recovery Community Center is a Member of Faces & Voices Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO). ARCO unites and supports the growing network of local, regional and statewide recovery community organizations (RCOs).


ARCO links RCOs and their leaders with local and national allies and provides training and technical assistance to groups.ARCO helps build the unified voice of the organized recovery community and fulfill our commitment to supporting the development of new groups and strengthening existing ones.


All RCOs that are led and governed by the recovery community are welcome to join. The benefits of membership include the opportunity to participate in an annual 2 day Leadership Academy. ARCO has hosted Academies in Denver, Dallas, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Washington, D.C.

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