A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.
The belief that recovery is real provides the essential and motivating message of a better future—that people can and do overcome the internal and external challenges, barriers, and obstacles that confront them.
Self-determination and self-direction are the foundations for recovery as individuals define their own life goals and design their unique path(s) towards those goals. Individuals are encouraged to lead, control, and take an active part in the decision of what the services and supports that assist their recovery will be.
Many Pathways
Recovery is non-linear, characterized by continual growth and improved functioning that may involve setbacks. Because setbacks are a normal part of the recovery process, it is essential to foster resilience for all individuals and families. Abstinence from the use of alcohol, illicit drugs, and non-prescribed medications is the goal for those with addictions.

"I found support and solutions at The PIER. When I enrolled I had nothing and I had zero self-esteem. With one on one peer support, I was able to find employment, get an apartment, and get my kids back. Recovery has become my life and it is involved in every decision I make today. I didn't leave before the miracle happened."